Originally published
July 26, 2024
Last Updated
February 21, 2025
While relatively new as a cybersecurity discipline, the Internet of Things (IoT) has matured into a set of use cases that solve pressing business problems, offering operational and cost benefits across industries like healthcare, retail, financial services, utilities, transportation, and manufacturing.
With IoT devices making up 30% of total devices on enterprise networks, the data collected provides valuable insights for real-time decisions and predictive modelling. IoT is a key enabler of digital transformation, driving productivity, efficiency, profitability, and enhancing the employee experience.
However, the interconnectedness of smart devices presents significant security challenges. Unmonitored and unsecured IoT devices can expose enterprises to substantial risks.
What Is an IoT Device?
An IoT device is any network-connected physical asset that isn't a computer. While IT teams protect standard devices with traditional network security protocols, IoT devices pose unique risks that are often unrecognised and unaddressed. These devices can bypass typical security controls, introducing vulnerabilities due to diverse hardware, operating systems, and firmware.
Challenges of IoT Security
IoT security safeguards against cyberattacks targeting network-connected physical devices. Key challenges include:
• Inventory: Lack of visibility and management of IoT devices.
• Threats: Insufficiently embedded security in device operating systems, often hard to patch.
• Data Volume: Managing vast amounts of data from IoT devices.
• Ownership: Risks from management by disparate organizational teams.
• Diversity: Wide variety of IoT device types and functions.
• Operations: Difficulty in integrating IoT devices into core security practices.
With 98% of IoT device traffic unencrypted, personal and confidential data is at severe risk. Each IoT device is a potential entry point for cyberattacks, including malware infections that can convert devices into botnets for DDoS attacks. Many IoT devices remain invisible in enterprise networks, making comprehensive protection challenging.
Which IoT Devices Have the Highest Share of Security Issues?
Medical devices and security cameras face the highest share of security issues. Frequent attacks exploit device vulnerabilities, such as network scanning, remote code execution, and command injection. Compromised devices can facilitate lateral movement, compromising additional devices.
Top IoT Security Threats
Top threats include 41% exploits, 33% malware, and 26% user practice issues. Emerging tactics like peer-to-peer command-and-control (C2) communication and self-propagating IoT malware worms target legacy OT protocols, disrupting critical business operations.
Best Practices for IoT Security
Strategic security leaders are adopting a complete IoT lifecycle approach, moving beyond legacy solutions to ensure IoT innovation while protecting networks from threats. Key stages include:
1. Identify: All managed and unmanaged devices with context.
2. Assess: Identify vulnerabilities and risks.
3. Automate: Zero Trust policies and enforcement.
4. Act: Prevent known threats.
5. Detect and Respond: Rapidly address unknown threats.
Effective IoT security must protect both devices and networks from evolving security risks.